Supplier of specialized products for the high-tech industry

Sector: Chemistry
The project

In order to avoid lumps/crystals and to meet the quantitative requirements of the production, a transfer by recirculation system was set up step by step.

What was the response?
  • Bigbag unloader for 600 kg bags, equipped with a watertight connection system for the bigbag unloading chute and a massage system to facilitate product flow
    - T11 DVP system, designed for ATEX zone, allowing to devour the catechol before it is elevated by the flexible screw to the T51 DVP system. The catechol is then dosed and led to a mixing tank
    - Dry/wet zone interface to avoid wet upwelling in the feed network, which is often the case when dry products are conveyed to a wet environment such as dilution tanks, cooker, melter...